Email Retention Example #2 - Advanced Swing Change Winter Project
Hi Steve,
Your Golf Lesson with Jim Peters on 6 Dec 2014 is contained and attached in this email. I recommend you save this to a convenient file for later review.
In this lesson we continued the off-season process of changing your swing loop from inside-to-outside to an out-to-in or even loopless swing path. You are making progress because, while they still feel awkward, you can re-create and feel the different swing paths.
We spent more time on the feel of the Transition – where the club head has to drop first (and move backward a little) instead of moving upward and outward. This can come from the right elbow dropping and moving toward the ball or target line, or from the right hand flexing backwards in a relaxed position (see #4 in the picture below).
Your Golf Lesson with Jim Peters on 6 Dec 2014 is contained and attached in this email. I recommend you save this to a convenient file for later review.
In this lesson we continued the off-season process of changing your swing loop from inside-to-outside to an out-to-in or even loopless swing path. You are making progress because, while they still feel awkward, you can re-create and feel the different swing paths.
We spent more time on the feel of the Transition – where the club head has to drop first (and move backward a little) instead of moving upward and outward. This can come from the right elbow dropping and moving toward the ball or target line, or from the right hand flexing backwards in a relaxed position (see #4 in the picture below).
Continue practicing the opposite and exaggerated Outside-to-Inside swing loop as you spend the off-season. Remember to hinge or cock your wrists on the early Backswing. The key is engrain the loop or Transition move at the Top. Figure out whether to feel it in your right elbow, your right hand or, best of all, the club head.
Attached is a movie file (Loop Inside Swing.wmv) which shows the drill.
We used the Swingbyte Analyzer is this lesson (which I highly recommend for near-instant feedback). We are moving from Steve Standard swing loop:
Attached is a movie file (Loop Inside Swing.wmv) which shows the drill.
We used the Swingbyte Analyzer is this lesson (which I highly recommend for near-instant feedback). We are moving from Steve Standard swing loop:
which has no crescent moon and that little up & out Transition, to a Steve Out-to-In loop:
The more of these you can do and master, the easier it will be to execute and feel comfortable with a Steve Ideal loop.
Last, we reviewed the basics of the chip/pitch shot.
Jim Peters, PGA
Jim Peters, PGA